Community Sentencing Rules and Conditions
Below are some of the current rules and conditions of the Community Sentencing Program. Each county has it's own unique set of rules. This list only covers the basics. For a complete list of rules and regulations, contact Court Related Services at 405-310-2441.
I will truthfully, accurately and fully make all required written reports, accounting for my activities, conduct and fulfillment of my responsibilities.
I will permit my probation officer to visit me at my residence, place of employment, or any other place without notice or restrictions as to time.
I will keep my probation officer informed of my current address and job, and will notify him/her immediately of any changes. I will immediately notify my probation officer of any arrests or other contact with police.
I understand that I am required to maintain full-time employment unless my probation officer approves of my participation in part or full-time educational/vocational training.
I will not leave the state of Oklahoma under any circumstances without prior approval of conditions by my probation officer.
I will not consume alcoholic beverages. I will not visit places where such are dispensed to include bars, taverns, clubs or nightclubs.
I will not possess or consume prescription drugs or other controlled dangerous substances other than those lawfully dispensed or prescribed for me by a physician.
I will not possess, maintain, or carry firearms of any type, for any purpose whatsoever, upon my person, or in my residence, motor vehicle or personal affects. I will not knowingly ride in a motor vehicle containing a firearm. I will not carry a firearm.
I will not knowingly associate with persons on parole or probation, ex-felons, any inmate of jail, penal or correctional institution or facility, or known violators of the law, without specific , prior permission of my probation officer.
I will not violate any city, state, or federal laws.
I will pay the Supervising Authority a $40.00 per month statutory probation fee.
I will pay the Community Sentencing Division of the Department of Corrections $20.00 per month statutory administrative fee during supervision.
I will pay the statutory Court costs and fees in my case.
I will undergo a Substance Abuse Evaluation and follow its recommendations.
I will undergo a Psycho-Educational Assessment to determine cognitive skills and educational skills and follow its recommendations.
I will complete recommended hours of Community Service by terms of contract.