FAQ - Community Sentencing Clients
Even after clients have been given rules and conditions of the community sentencing program we find that they still have questions. We address those questions here.
AA/NA Meetings
Q: Can I attend more than one meeting in one day?
A: Yes, BUT you can only count one meeting per day towards your weekly requirement.
Q: Will I receive a sanction for not completing required weekly meetings?
A: Yes
Curfew Calls
Q: When do I need to be in for the night?
A: 9:00 p.m.
Q: What if I work past curfew time?
A: Call in as soon as you arrive home and leave a detailed explanation as to why you are late.
Q: I need to relay a message to my probation supervisor. Can I leave it on the curfew line.
A: No. Please call your probation supervisor if you need to leave more than a brief message about being late calling in. Please do not call curfew line asking for probation supervisor to call you back.